Boudoir session vs. running a race (Part 2)

What does a boudoir session have in common with running a race?

Every so often I like to compare Boudoir Session experience to other activities just for the fun of it.

This is a Part 2 of the Boudoir session vs. running a race. You can read Part 1 here.

11. What you wear matters

You should be comfortable on the day of your race so all of your clothing and gear needs to be tested ahead of time (don’t wear anything new since it could cause irritation, blisters, etc.). Bring extra shoes, socks, tshirts..

Boudoir session outfits: try everything on! It’s all about the fit! You’ll get a plenty of guidance regarding what to  shop for and what to bring to your shoot (and we can always style you on the day of your session with items from our boujie all-inclusive Client Closet.

12. Face your fears

During your race you might face your fears like I did: I almost stepped on a rattle snake, freaked out for a moment and kept going. Then I got chased by mean bumble bees (picked up the pace and sprinted through mile 26). I might face similar things on a trails or something completely different and you’ll have a choice: let them scare you and deviate you from the goal or work through your fears and finish the race strong. The choice is yours!

With boudoir, you might encounter nay-sayers or you get bullied by your own inner critic. Ignore them and proceed towards the goal!

13. If sounds intimidating and exciting at the same time, do it!

Getting out of comfort zone is scary and nerve-wrecking but ALWAYS WORTH IT!!

If it scares and excites you at the same time you should definitely do it.

So, sign up for that race and a boudoir photosession (you’ll be so proud you did!).

14. Invest in yourself

Every great experience comes with investment of time, effort and resources. At the end of the day, that experience will be the mail thing that you will remember and cherish. So, don’t be afraid to invest in yourself!

15. It’s YOUR race

Don’t compare yourself to others, only to the older version of you. Everybody’s experience is different and you race will be YOUR race (same as your boudoir session).

16. Proud moment

That feeling of overcoming your fears. 

Committing and following through. 

Getting out of your comfort zone and expanding your horizons.

Surprising yourself and others.

Discovering parts of your personality you didn’t know existed.

Respecting your body and what it’s capable of.

Becoming your own cheerleader.

Checking out item from your Bucket List.

17. Have fun along the way

It’s true that we only will have as much fun as we allow ourselves.

Enjoy the prep, the process, the adrenaline rush, the actual experience, the day(s) following the race/the photoshoot, the people and all the feelings that come up during your journey. All of the above will be shaping you into a new version of you so have fun with it!

18. Your circle matters

Do you surround yourself with like-minded people that are there to support you, lift you up and share their experience? It makes a world of a difference!
Are you a part of a running group? There are a few options available! Find your group, plug in and connect. 

Are you a part of our VIP group? If so, thank you for your continued support!! 

If you are looking to join a safe ladies-only community where we talk about girl stuff, share experience, play games, run contests and uplift each other, here is the link:  JOIN VIP GROUP

19. Who is your cheerleader?

Gym fam, runner’s group, close friends and family play a huge role when you need to stay on track with your training and on trail during your race. I’m an athlete’s wife turned into an athlete myself so I get both sides. Loving and supporting an athlete is a commitment, thank them for being there for you!

When you sign up for a boudoir session feeling supported is also important. The truth is that not everyone will be your cheerleader due to the lack of understanding, personal opinions or limitations, etc. The entire journey can be nerve wracking for some, very exciting for the majority and we never want you to feel lonely, so we encourage you to join our amazing community of 2K ladies, read stories of our past clients, get inspiration for your session and possibly even make new friends!

20. You most likely will be sore

Be prepared to treat those sore muscles. Popular options: ice packs, ice bath, cbd oil roll-ons, various creams and gels, rest, rolling out sore muscles and light cardio the following day. Your coach will be able to provide recommendations and instructions specific to your case.

With boudoir clients, it’s common to feel a light fatigue after the session and some experience light soreness the following day after arching, pointing toes and getting into some of the advanced poses. Bubble bath, rest and Tylenol (if absolutely needed) to the rescue!

Part 3 is coming up!