Ms.D has been in our VIP Facebook group for awhile, always supporting other women but never feeling “ready” for her own boudoir experience.
She decided to enter our 2024 Giveaway not really believing she will be the one to take the Grand Prize.
But this year the luck was on her side and Ms.D was randomly selected to receive our all-inclusive signature boudoir experience with a generous print credit towards her album!!
And guess what?
She almost forfeited her prize because she was TOO NERVOUS to do the session..
Plus size boudoir session in Lynn Haven, FL
Here is what Ms.D has to say about her experience:
“I want to start by saying Irina is an angel. I have followed several boudoir pages and always said I wish I had the courage and confidence these beautiful women have.
Being a plus-size woman I have always hidden in my clothing and have used it as an excuse to get out of a lot of things, this particular experience was one of them.
I saw that Irina was doing the giveaway and entered it for the simple fact I wanted to show support, never in my wildest dream did I think that I would be the grand prize winner, and I will be honest I really didn't want to be!
I remember calling my boyfriend the night of saying you're never going to believe what happened, I then explained everything and his response was that's outstanding, I can't wait to see the pictures. I said well you're going to be waiting a while because I'm not doing it! When I say having a supportive partner will change your life I mean it, because this is one example he encouraged me to overcome my fears, to stop looking so negatively at myself, and to push myself to be more vulnerable.
I agreed to schedule the session and the entire time I had the mindset of I can't do this.
I talked to my best friend about it and again I got the same response my boyfriend gave me.
When I tell you the entire wait I was STRESSED and it only got worse the closer I got, the day of the session I was a complete wreck to the point my boyfriend talked to me the entire way there calming me down and telling me everything would be fine, and I am happy to admit he was right.
While being in contact with Irina I remember apologizing in advance for how terrible and awkward I would be, I even said my fear was I would look like a hippo in lingerie, she assured me everything was going to be great and to keep an open mind.
While doing my hair and makeup she kept me talking to keep my mind off of how nervous I was, she explained all the poses and breathing techniques and made sure that I was comfortable the entire time, and not for one second did I feel like she was judging me based on my body.
In a world full of critics, Irina's studio is such a safe space.
If you are on the fence about wanting to do a session DO IT!!
If you are like me and keep saying maybe one day if I get into shape, just BOOK THE SESSION because tomorrow isn't promised and no one should have to live with regret.
I will say it was a HUGE confidence booster for me and I am forever grateful for Irina, the work she does, and for the amazing experience!
If I can do it ANYONE can!
You are gorgeous the way you are and this experience will make you see yourself in a different way!